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来源:英锐教育深圳| 作者:admin | 发布时间:2020-06-20 | 阅读量:2593




以下为Asia女士采访的正文内容,为了方便阅读,AP代表Andrew Peters先生,AJ代表Asia Jenkins女士。

对 话 嘉 宾

AP :So, I want you to tell me in your own words – what was your first exposure to drama? When did you first have the chance to experience it as a student?


 AJ :So I didn’t experience drama as a student until college, but I actually – I missed the opportunity – moreso I chose to not take the opportunity. So where I went to a school, I went to a school that was pretty well off, you know? So going into your ninth grade year, you have the option. You can go to regular high school; you can join a school where they focus on marine biology – because we lived close the water in New Jersey – or you can join an acting school. So you would bus out, like, an hour earlier than everybody else, so you know, you’d learn acting and things. But I was so shy, in that, even though I wanted to do it, I was just, like, “How can I…” ...

 AP :So, your junior year in college, when did you participate? Was it a drama club? Or a class, or –


 AJ:It was actually a class. Maybe an intro acting class, basically? Yeah. I did it to build self-confidence, and I did it to build my public speaking... At that point I had been doing three years of fashion merchandising. And I mean, I liked it, but I didn’t love it. I went into it thinking, “I like fashion, this could be a stable career choice.” You know? But I wasn’t happy. I was kinda floating through my college life. So I thought, “Let’s try an acting class. You have such stage fright – just push yourself into it!”



 AP :So what was that first experience like? The first time you took an acting class, you step into this room… What was that feeling like?


 AJ :It’s weird because theatre – and theatre outside of camera acting – there’s this community.  It feels like the bonds are a big stronger than other concentrations, among students. Like the way they build friendships. So you’re stepping into this new class, but you’re stepping into this… territory of people being so cohesive…

You’re stepping into this new family. So I just remember being really shaky but making it through, like, “I didn’t die!” I enjoyed the class and enjoyed the teacher, and that feeling of having to constantly get up and do it over and over again.



 AP :Did you find that you were influencing decisions that the playwright was making? I feel that we don’t really get to teach the new play development process as much in our classes, but I still think it’s important to understand that, in creating a play with a playwright, it is a living thing.


 AJ :Definitely. You have the playwright’s vision, you have the director’s vision, an then you have you and your scene partners’ vision – depending on how many people are in the play - and so you get the premise of the play. [In this example] I’m playing an in-the-past abused slave woman, my partner is playing an in-the-future slave woman, creating this connection of pain and solidarity among women. So, you research on your own, you bring your own feeling to it, but then you have the playwright right there telling you what she was thinking as she was writing it. What inspired her. So you’re collaborating together. That’s what theatre should be.


AJ :I think I always planned to bring it in.  I don’t think I ever would not. I’m very analytical, and so I think there’s a lot you can learn from drama outside of just acting. It’s breaking ideas down, it’s analyzing, understanding the beginning to end. So, for example, in Public Speaking classes, involving your voice and your body… what you want the listener to get from that. I think drama plays a big part in that.


 AP :So based on having studied it and based on your vision of taking drama into a classroom… if someone lays that out like, “Drama isn’t an academic subject,” how would you respond?

作为一个专业的戏剧表演者,对于一些人提出 “戏剧并非一门正式的学科”这类观点,你有什么看法呢?

 AJ :I would say that if you can’t take this play, this piece of text, and fully dissect it, you’re never going to be able to create a full, rounded character. Yes, drama is fun, and drama is active, and you’re ‘playing’… but you really have to understand what these words mean, and that’s something that I’ve found with the kids. They’ll say the words, but they don’t know what the words mean. So you are being ‘taught’. The more that you read, the more that you’re learning. And then to apply that communication, I think that it makes them understand what they’re reading ten times more. You have to be actively doing something to be actively understanding it.


 AP :What is something related to who you are as a person that you hope to pass along to them? Based on the stories you told me about your beginnings and about how drama influenced you, what do you hope to do in terms of changing those students?


AJ :I think – and I keep saying this – ‘try.’ I think a strength of mine is, even when I’m feeling less confident in what I’m about to do, I still do it anyway. If an opportunity comes up, if somebody asks me to do something, I say yes before I can say no. If you give yourself the time to say no, you’re never gonna do it. But once you do it, you realize it’s not that bad. It wasn’t that terrible. And then you have the confidence to do more. So, join an acting class, join an acting school, try a webseries, move to a new country without knowing anybody, or …

我一直秉承一个观念,那便是 “不断尝试”。我认为自己优势之一是,即使我对自己即将要做的事情缺乏信心,我还是会持之以恒,不轻言放弃。假如别人给予了我一个机会去尝试我之前并未接触的领域,我会欣然地接受这个挑战。如果你第一时间便拒绝,那么你将永远不去挑战自我。假设你一开始做了,你便会意识到,事情并非你想象中那么艰难,那么你的自信心就会逐渐强化。所以,就像我一样,去接触一个全新的领域,去尝试主导一个网剧,甚至是搬到一个完全陌生的国家……我相信这一次次的突破自我的精神,与我的戏剧教育背景分不开联系。

For me, it’s dependent on the students. Because I’m very much of the school of thought that education should be tailored to the students to a certain degree. So for example, if there’s a kid who is highly intelligent - my focus for those students it to push them further, to advance their acting skills. And for kids who are just starting and don’t really get it [understand drama], I want them to build self-confidence. I want them to leave with the freedom of “no-fear”. So that they know this is a space where they can try, you can fail, but you’re going to get back up and you’re going to keep trying. Building this community together. Because even if you don’t pursue acting as a career, I think that it’s a very good basis of connections outside of things, for other things...


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