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阅读打卡营 | Book Club
来源:英锐教育| 作者:admin | 发布时间:2020-03-10 | 阅读量:3535


我们开始了 Book Club 打卡营的第一期活动


《Charlotte's Web》




现在第二周Book Club/Fireside Chats Plan





With the hustle and bustle in the metro, the traffic on the streets, and more businesses opening, it feels like our city is returning to normal.  Having said that, our kids are still stuck at home.  Aside from online classes, what are they doing with their time?  Here at ENREACH Chengdu, we have come up with two weekly events that will help your children make best use of their day.

The first event is the Book Club.  This is intended to provide students with a way to expand their knowledge of English literature and improve the critical thinking skills we cover in the classroom.

Our first book is Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, a classic children’s book read by every American from the 4th to 8th grade.  The novel tells the story of a livestock pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte. 

 When Wilbur is in danger of being slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages praising Wilbur (such as "Some Pig") in her web in order to persuade the farmer to let him live.

Written in White's dry, low-key manner, Charlotte's Web is considered a classic of children's literature, enjoyed by adults as well as children.  The description of the experience of swinging on a rope swing at the farm is an oft-cited example of rhythm in writing, as the pace of the sentences reflects the motion of the swing.

Over 8 weeks, you will read this amazing novel and complete the discussion questions sent to you each week.  You’ll then have the opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings in The Book Club before moving to activities that will see you expand your vocabulary and improve your writing skills.  

Lastly, we hope you come away with a better understanding of storytelling and character development.

Our second event is the Fireside Chat.  First, let me explain what a fireside chat is.  These started in the US during the Great Depression when Franklin Roosevelt was president. He used the radio to explain his policies during that difficult time.  He continued this throughout World War 2 until his death in 1944.  Fireside Chats are a big reason why he is one of the most popular presidents in American history.

We would like to do something similar with our Fireside Chats.  We would like to take this opportunity to present to you topics that we feel are important for you and your children.  ‘What is Liberal Arts?’ would be our first topic.  

In this presentation, we would cover the history of liberal arts beginning with its origins and how it’s taught in American universities today.  We would also cover how the classes at ENREACH prepare our students for their experience abroad.

Following the first week, you will learn more about methods we use in the classroom to help improve our students’ critical thinking skills, how public speaking, drama and debate are worth studying, and more.  We will have these presentations on WeChat.  We will send you the slides in English and Chinese as well as audio in English and Chinese.  When we are finished, you will be able to ask us any questions that you might have related to the topic.

To help us plan these events for a time that is most convenient for you, please complete the survey below.



Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Week 2

Vocabulary (Write 5 sentences using words below that you don’t know.)


Chapter 4

Eaves - noun – the lower border of a roof that overhangs the wall

Occupation - noun – an activity in which one engages

Glutton - noun – one given habitually to greedy eating and drinking

Stealthily - adjective –intended to escape observation

Dejected - adjective – low in spirits

Endure - verb – to continue without giving in

Chapter 5

Decent - adjective – appropriate; satisfactory

Mysterious - adjective – exciting wonder, curiosity, or surprise

Objectionable - adjective – undesirable; offensive

Meekly - adverb – enduring injury with patience and without resentment; submissive

Inheritance - noun- to possess from someone

Gamble - verb – to bet on an uncertain outcome

Chapter 6

Hoisted - verb – to raise into position

Anxious - adjective – uneasiness of mind; worried

Unremitting - adjective - constant

Morals - adjective – principles of right and wrong in behavior

Compunctions - noun – anxiety from guilt; distress of mind

Appalled - adjective- affected by strong feelings of shock

Untenable - adjective – not able to be defended or occupied


Discussion Questions (Answer the questions below while you read.)


Chapter 4

Why is Wilbur sad in      this chapter? 

Describe Templeton.

Give me three      descriptive words of how Wilbur was feeling in this chapter. 

Who do you think      spoke to Wilbur about being his friend? 

Chapter 5

Why did Wilbur have a      difficult time sleeping? 

Describe      Charlotte. 

What did Charlotte      say that finally convinced Wilbur that catching bugs and drinking their      blood was ok? 

What did goose know      about Wilbur that he did not? 

Chapter 6

Give three reasons      why the book felt the happiest and fairest days on the farm are in early      summer. 

Why did the geese      worry about Templeton? 

What did Charlotte      say would happen if the egg broke?


Writing (Choice 1 topic below and write 1 paragraph about it.)


Chapter 4

Wilbur was really feeling sad and lonely in this chapter. In complete sentences and using two forms of figurative language, describe a time when you have felt the same way as Wilbur and what helped you feel better.

Chapter 5

Wilbur feels that Charlotte is cruel and mean. In complete sentences explain how Charlotte was able to persuade Wilbur into thinking that she was doing what she needed to do to live.

Chapter 6

The goose had her eggs! Describe what happened to the egg that didn’t hatch and the worry the geese have with Templeton

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大家都在看: 英国 留学前景


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